Many will probably see this post and wish to read, but I am making this post for the betterment of anyone reading it, what am saying in essence is is that I am making it for you to know the proper ways of dealing with people in the society without going against through their privacy rule. 

As long as the earth stays, human race will always live in it and as long as human lives in it as long as many element comes with it, element like what exactly? Pain, joy, happiness, sadness, enjoyment, peace, war, sickness and many more factor that hive it both white and black.

Tampering with privacy is very wrong but when you want to observe someone, you can easily check him/her through behavior, deeds, doing and many more, to do a psychological work here, you can easily read the feelings of someone who can use 23 of is 24 hours a day play but suddenly became gentle and cold, if so then you as a mind reader can start figuring out something from their, though note that when reading people you don't push them hard to get info, you can even stay with them for hours staring at each other, but don't leave that fellow at that moment, because no sooner he can will voice out than keep it to himself or herself.

Observing people can come in different form, it might be to you a way of helping them or might be a good ay to know your limit to others them or might also be a way to know what they are capable of.

For the purpose of this post, I will like to broad you up (just like this site name says)  on the general series that talks of all, ones and for all, follow this tip below to get the trick in knowing people's mind.

1. Don't let them know you are observing their deeds : just note this at the back of your mind that you need to keep it confidential to yourself alone about the person you are trying to either reads his/her deeds or any other behaviors of his, make sure the person don't have any lead to no, try to always clear your tracks which might not allow you getting the proper info, don't be too proud, because if he or she sees the humbleness in you, then it will be easy for you to get them quick, at the same time note again that they will also do everything to block you out when they realize you want to know what they are capable of, for this? Be wise

2. Humble yourself to gain their trust : have you ever study or read books talking about trust, trust is not just an ordinary thing you can get from people but with some levels of relationships and dealing together will make you get one, trust is a when someone feels reliable on another with no doubtness of mind, now, let me tell you the best way to gain people's trust is by you humbling yourself before them, humble means humility, when you have this thing call humility, my dear brother then you are on the most beautiful part to know more or read the mind of that fellow in a systematically way and for you to know how to deal with them.

3. make tactical findings about them: making findings in this kind of situation could only be a criminal - investigation, when you caught a criminal and he has determined not to give out any information, then try this third tip, make ridings about him, know who he works with, know which group in the society he belong, know how often people talk about him and know the level of dangerous or peaceful he his to the society, in this case, your findings is already reading out is mind, so when you meet him next and say to him some things you already know about him, he feels shock and revealing, so he says the rest to you as an investigator.

4. Hold on to fact about them : to read people's mind, you must have the ability to hold unto the real fact about them and not just a mere idea, having idea is different from having the fact in hand, make sure you don't code down what they don't often do or things you know do once in a blue moon, fact is when you hold on to the true self of the particular fellow you are reading, fact about human could be much but still there are real facts that can prove out what they are inside them, don't just force the fact out, stay calm and observe, after this I can bet you that you will get all the info you needed.

5. Use the 21st law of power : 21st law of power says be a sucker to catch a sucker, that is you behave stupid or low form in some ways to get the mind of that person, though in the process don't give into trash but try making the thing work out as plan, just try to let the fellow - boss over you, but in you, just know you have a purpose and you can never let anyone make you is puppet.

Thank you for reading this, you can subscribe to this blog for more interesting post like this...... Love you

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