I think this post will be so interesting to many people from everyside of the world, planning "by then"  from now is one of the things that can keep our lives moving, the new years is here again, some people say things by mouth only but not by deeds, you
here it from people saying "new year new system" but unfortunately it is painful that it is always "new year old system for many" and as you can see the world is changing over time, technology is taking over manual, and science is taking over naturals in many way.

If I should tell you anything my dear brother or sister, I have no other advice for you than please don't just look at time, try to do what it does, and I what is that? Move on! Someone said it sometimes ago that it wasn't an easy task for "Edison Thomas " that creates light bulb, he did not put in to is failure But see more in the better future ahead him by continually trying the light bulb project, and see he succeeded at the number 100th trail, so I what I will have you do in the new years is not to be idle but work out towards that same goal you have always wanted in all your life, "try not to be a problem but try to cure one"

I thinks think this five ways will be an helpful tip for you to become glorious and successful in the new year:

1. Be focus: "FOCUS" simply means to " follow one course until successful", now think of it what course did you want to follow till successful, I can dictate for you at this junction, you know what you want in mind, you alone owns your mind, "no-one but you can give you the best", it's just a matter of time sit and analyze yourself and also focus on what you want and what you want for other people because to me success is not the amount of money you have but the amount of life you have help to succeed, so your positive ability which you can use on other to help, pls use it well, with "FOCUS" as start, I think we are getting somewhere.

2. Know your plans: some people only plan and don't plan well, planning can m easily to two things either failure or success, But when you know your plan then you have no course to be on the failing part, the success is for those who have plans and extra plans, you know what that means? having a back up plan which can still in one way or the other brings you to success, sometimes plan A fails, but I bet you if you have extra ordinary, you will still succeed and have something to hold on too at the end of everything.

3. Build your business : mind you anything can be your business, it can be your study, the can be your work, it can be something you really value in your life, try not to just sit at one b corner expecting one sort of will-no-come miracle to happen, life is about dealing with one bussiness and deal with what gives you joy, not for you to start putting nose all around in other people's matters, of which does not concerns you. So this aspect is just for you to be wise  and think high on what you have to do to succeed but not through illegal means, try build your business and product.

4. Serve God : as your religion belief is, please serve God because we believe he really cares for us in the toggle and hustle of life, he serve as our protector who shield us from, risk, problems, danger, bad people and and all sort of keep-us-back - in good way.

5. Keep your head above : to keep one head above water is to save oneself from problems, sorrow, pain, please in the new year, things you know can ruin your life or destroy it totally should be run away from, life is so precious to live in, we continue meeting new people day by day, so, you don't have to because of one person that you are not even sure will betray you tomorrow to come and put on is fight as your and of which you know can lead you to pain and can weaken your life to detriment, please be careful who, where and how you talk, be silent as dove and be very cunning as snake, as the 21th law of power says, you must "be a sucker to catch a sucker", try to seems idiots or little crazy for you to get what you want from them, try to be violent free and this will really help you in the new year.

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