Some people think of leaning a trade but they still seems somehow thinking they won't know it or maybe they couldn't learn things fast, so you because of this thinks it is impossible for you to learn a trade, leaning a trade could help you establish yourself and become an entrepreneur that
you have always wanted to be, some people see working under the banner of another person seems hard task, I think you also can take some further step to also achieve what you want also in life.

This is an helpful tip article that can help or guide you in area of learning trade, don't think of it as if it's a Zuma rock which cannot but be climb or one sort of mount everest that swallow anyone that tries to see it peak, you are human and the person that is also teaching you this trade is also an human with blood, bone and flesh so, because of this dont think yourself down or look low yourself that there isn't any great thing that can come out of you, let me tell you something, you are given birth or born for a purpose In life not to be subject to purpose, now let me give you the helping tips, I will give you five which can guide you, just follow as said :

1. Make sure you have interest : interest is said to be what make you stands even in the face problems when leaning a trade, leaning some trade might seems difficult and problem to th person undertaking it, but try not to look at the problem because "there is always silver linen on every dark cloud" which means that only your interest can keep you going and going to you achieve that aim and objective of yours to stand alone, for everyone that will become master must first serve under one or more masters, for without your service rendered freely, you might not gain something, try to be submissive to your boss and all other things you are ask to do along the line, one day you will also control.

2. Be Submissive : this as said earlier is that you need to follow all necessary corrections, instructions, idea, styles you are ask to do, you being submissive doesn't make you a fool to anyone but through this way you are making the person you submit yourself to a stepping stone to your own success on the trade you are learning, submitting yourself is like not being proud or see yourself above what you are doing, seeing yourself above who you running into failure from the start point of things, so be wise and be submissive if you want success on the trade you are learning.

3. Do what you are ask to do : this is just like listening attentively and carefully to instruction, implementing planned programs of actions well, I. E make sure you come early, sweep the floor when dirty, clean up everywhere and makes it look today to not only customers but also passersby, as you can see this are all part of your responsibility and if you are very well responsible for your responsibilities then you are getting to the peak when you become independent in the game of that particular vocation you ventured in, please try to be tactical when dealing with mistake or when you wrong your boss, never let  "am sorry" dry on your tongue because the power of that word is mightier than the word itself.

4. Practice more : in this aspect I will like to give you this quote which says "practice makes perfect" if you are good with all this mentioned above but did not practice well then you are like someone  " cooking rice of expensive ingredients without adding salt" ask me what become of the food when done? Nothing but total waste, so don't let your time to be a total waste in the abuse of leaning this trade make sure you practice more, both practically and systematically, practice well to ensure you are good to go, when you feel good to go then success shines teeth on your way, please be more of practical and try to discover new hidden secrets about the trade you are learning, waste more of your time practicing, in this cause you can be very very far better than your boss, and the new potential you unlock for everyone to see make your boss become proud of you and people see him as a responsible person.

5. Get your working instrument fast:  don't rely on your boss instrument but please get yours fast to boost your learning skill, this are one of the way to discover some potential about that trade, you can be with your boss for full 24 hours but you can only stay for the nomal day and go home at night, as for someone who really wants to know more get your instrument and practice more and more at night before sleeping or sleep and wake up in midnight to take more practice, through this you can get what you want, be what you want to be only if you can follow this precious process, if you can take heed to this plans then I think, I should already call you succeful by now, thanks for reading this post.

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