Many people have live life as if it is not worth living and at the same time many as live to the betterment of themselves and their family, being healthy doesn't mean you are wealthy or you have everything on earth so as it doesn't mean you are the poorest of all on earth.

Being healthy is to live a live or an environment free enough from diseases, many people can't even take care of themselves not even their own family and this most time is background training, so if you know you are lagging behind in orienting your family on health educations, then I think you are making a great mistake,  because mistake is does not happens as you start something, it is just as you get started you realizes it, and mistake is a great problem disturbing every living being, don't let me diverse the truth of the matter here, don't be angry but it needs to be said, make good sure there is always proper family health educations for you family each and every time, so that when they move out as independent of themselves they can also figure things out not only in their immediate environment but anywhere they finds themselves.

Now, coming back to the real topic on the best way to free yourself from disease, someone might contact disease through, water, air and many other ways  but in this article, I will teach you some five educational ways to avoid disease or freeing youself from it.

1. Keep your environment clean : Your environment is what makes you, so as what colan make up disease too, it is now left to you to make yourself and your fill up to be free from the disease your environment has also bring, keeping cleans is one way to be hygienic, when you are clean, no dirt, not paper, no rotten things that smells, you can always get over anything because apart from all this aforementioned that might make your environment looks uneven, I think the others are minor, please do keep your environment clean.

2. Stay away from stagnant water : what is stagnant water, it is either a use but not disposed water that stores itself either in large quantities or low quantity in a place to make abode for dangerous disease, as we all know what malaria is and what causes it, malaria is caused by mosquitoes and this mosquitoes are most times an end product a stagnant water, make sure you try to always dispose off your waste water so that they don't start breeding up some harmful insert that sucks.

3. Eat good food : you can expect someone taking starch in the morning, afternoon, and night all together starch, starch, starch should have a good health you have to eat good food and make sure you watches what you eat, a food cooked by a dirty person may very well has an element of disease in it, so watch before you it, make sure the cooks are neat and well organized, what do I mean by organized, this means that the cook must be on is apron, cap in order not to sweat into what you will call a good meal, so take cautions and necessary measures for your live, it is worth living.

4. Maintain diet : hope you know the meaning of diet, dieting is the proper arrangement of when and what time you take some food for yourself, when you maintain diet, you keep your balance and you are very well free from both major and minor disease.

5. Do exercise : your health really matters to us, that is why we do tell you to do some exercise that will totally favors you, you don't know how to do exercise?, then employ a coach or you get youtube videos on exercise and the last option is you can also download some ebooks on many website online to get the process and steps to do it, why exercise? Might free you from obesity (excessive fat) and will help your body regulate, it is still part of ways you can cure disease

Thanks for reading this, have a nice day, and also subscribe to this blog for more newsletters from us. 

Thanks alot........ Love you 

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